Pity- People with no understanding or bare little knowledge of someone’s struggles decides to give them a break and allows them to feel like they are at their level for a period of time, pity users usually do it to build their own self esteem up or to show everyone one that they are already in a good state of life, better pity the below average human.
Empathy- A person who understands what another person has went through from personal experience in life and acts as support structure to solve some of the problems they had previously went through.
Opinion- Pity is an insult to some searching for empathy.
Pity example- Bongo is a elephant who was taught to play the bongos, and everyone clapped for his performance. Yet when a band of bongo players showed up that were human, who played better than him get no appraisal. Bongo understands it wasn't his ability they clapped for, it was that its not normal to see an elephant play the bongos.
Empathy example- The band see's bongos sadness at learning the crowd only likes him for being a elephant, so they decided to bring him into the band and teach him to play better because they understand how it is to not to be wanted for the music of the bongos.
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