August, 9th 2020
Whats the first thing an art student does in modern day or a person with an art project who needs to make a statement of social conduct, let's focus on how technology consumes people..., how can we do that? let's have a character starring dead into a screen. It's not creative anymore, everyone has seen it and it's useless to them, we have all seen it before. I don't understand why on average people jump on this art statement rather than a statement based on the fact that people find reality so disengaging that people seek technology to take them away from the real world. Why do people not care enough about talking to people face to face in the real world. Yes, technology can sway attention, but there is clearly an underline problem of people feeling generally depressed about the real world and how it is currently where almost everyone needs to seek sanctuary from it. It's important at this time to focus on aspects outside of the technical social gap so people can improve the world around them , so people don't want to have their face in a screen.