June 14th,2020
Some traditional methods are horrifying
I've been reading on this thing about how in the 40's women would use things to make them skinny that are seen as horrifying treatments now for instance how women used to mix drugs with food to make themselves skinny and then I noticed something while looking things up and there is stories about how older women kept doing this, out of the normal regular life cycle. They had kids while they did this and even mixed it with theirs daughters or even families food out of thinking well this will make them Skinnier without their knowledge.
The other traditional method I was thinking that personally horrifies me is lobotomy, I always associate JFK with Lobotomy because during his campaign to keep his sister from being outgoing and having mood swings, his family lobotomiesd her and threw her in a psychiatric hospital , because she no longer functioned after the treatment.
When I see things like make america great again and other slogans of that nature such as classic coke, when the original coke had cocaine in it, makes me wonder why we hold originals so close to the heart, why should we look for ancestors and people we have never meet. Why love products and procedures just because their old.