June 8th, 2020
bias opinion: try to make criticism, don't care about criticism
correlation: simplification sucks and struggles of any web, design or art student
I'm 23 turning 24 6 years of education over my shoulder and now my last semester is coming up, got 4 different areas of studies and an ever changing outlook on how things should work and will work, things change in seconds and college got me to be able to mold to time and I'm lucky for being able to find a major I actually care about. that I feel I do good in. that I can continue to build my life in the future with.
If you go to college and you feel like you can't do that for the rest of your life switch majors, and being able to do the things you want to do is more important than higher salaries or past images of yourself in the future of things you would want to be, if the end goals don't come to you, you have to finish them and the things around you and the people around you usually won't give a shit, especially if your a person in my field, having success is slow.
I still have to earn it. If you have people questioning your ability remember they never gave a shit about you before, take it as a compliment and on to the next project, on to the website, on to the next thing you do for yourself, keep yourself honest and push forward because the people on majority
"specifically now" are stupid, there are more stupid people now because of the Carlin principle of simplification I believe that is why I write big paragraphs.if you only put slang like this^ all the time you forget what an opinion is and in return you simplify yourself, you become a drone and your scared to connect anything remotely that might make you a human being and make creative progress.the scariest thing for a creative is being scared of yourself.
the only thing I worry about is putting one word to category of anything, because nothing is simple, because even though we use the acronym kiss(keep it simple stupid) in design the progress most of the time is way harder than that. after you take 5 hours on something simple, its looked at for 5 seconds and on to the next one, the phrase "doesn't have a life." is used by simple people because they have less of the human drive than you do (the endless motive to make things better or make yourself better) they lack passion for anything that is not bare animal traits, their boring, they don't write, they hate to learn and all they remember is what they ate, what images you made simple for people and what they talked about 3 minutes ago.