June 10,2020
socialism, and communism terms shouldn't apply under the American structure
The term Socialism and communism is uttered by any jackass without a clue what those actually mean in America. They even get confused and call far left leaning people fascists when fascism is when you lean too far right. If you lean too far left you get Stalin. If you lean too far right you get hitler. The ultimate evils accumulate to anything that is judged wrong because people don't like it. They think they can dismiss ideas by using those terms from past ideologies. You see things on people talking about food not being on the shelf, like when Bernie Sanders or Yang runs, yet when the Covid-19 crises happens, it already is like that, because preparation and supply and demand is not kept up like it should and people over buy things they collect things like (simile for things people collect)"action figures" during a crises.People horde money regularly like that and they are scared that their great ,great grandchildren might only have 600 million dollars.
socialism, communism, Expialidocious, people say you want to change something then leave. yet, when they want change under their party they bitch about it. People love Gandhi, and they love the ideas of what Jesus did and they love helping people.yet, when it comes time for that oh, no taxes for wall street.better not have a baseline income for poor people. better not help homeless people. better not give them any money for stability so they can work.people talk about out of work civilians, I wonder why? better get a bus and better get a greyhound, go to work. You don't have to love all the shit you hear, to love America. Do people hate giving baseline quality of life to people or something. they keep saying they don't want handouts, but if you get a baseline salary people get paid when your working too. hell the government even really loved the Covid-19 stimulas check because it increased stock and those people got rich and even trump (who doesn't like dishing out money) had to have thought about baseline for a short period of time, because the stimulas is coming out again. People love money, people love capitalism and people for some reason hate getting more money. I love money and capitalism, but I would never want to own a billion dollars,I would keep it under 500 million hypothetically because I think my moral compass tells me to not own more than that .