The reason I look at social events in the practice of Humanism is that it acknowledges the idea that there is something coherently wrong with viewing the way the world is based on traditionalism or any ethic stances, because systematic political structure and culture is no longer an ethical matter, its ran like a machine and the people who campaign or attempt to run it don't know what that machine does and neither does anyone else. 
The reason I wouldn't call myself a feminist is the fact that it is structured by traditionalism. a lot of views from feminists ideology haven't expanded rather inclined into itself and made its self more of a push for inequality. they act like white people entitled and pushing against their cause when in reality most racist white people are older, their aging with arthritis. They are usually making a below average income and their education is below par standard, if they attempted to talk to a billionaire, their security would pounce on them. In reality classism is putting a strain on the concept of how people view racism. If we look at entitlement as overall rights, than thats more believable as I do think that current authority in the united states is branching racism. I referred to it earlier, those older people who have been raised on the idea of symbolism and traditional values, who are usually relatively poor, who are in their 40s to 50s, who usually sport the iron fist of authority. They like Politics and ethics that are often times founded through going against the grain of the parenting tree and what does the generation before them have, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the pop culture about freedom and equality. you have the hippies, "the against the man approach" and some of the generation after them may have grew up loving authority, because it gave them their own individuality from their parents.
Some higher class million or billionaires exploit that notion, backs them up on their principles for their own gain. They reinforce those beliefs and in terms reinforce negative traits that would have been gone years ago, if it wasn't for our political structure and societal pressure within territories a lot more racism wouldn't exist.
feminism in the united states seems to be content with not expanding as most feminists ignore age and circumstances if it does not back up their primary goal, they'll acknowledge race and sex and they don't  as often acknowledge societal pressure and the push by territories that are traditionally in a different mindset than theirs. They don't often acknowledge that feministic issues are different than how they were in the past and in return I kind of view feminism as an anti virus software that hasn't been updated in a long time.
     I have similar views with feminism, although I don't think I could call myself one. mainly because I don't think censorship works for the ideas feminism wants to spread. The idea of feminism should be to expand freedoms, if your censoring the opposing side it doesn't help your case, because by idea feminism shouldn't be the authority, it should be the push back from authority. I view a lot of situational instances as the check and balance system. I'm also not saying all feminists are unified in mindset, some who are feminists, think about it as just an equality statement, their not picky assholes like me, who looks at how their represented in large scale by things such as news clippings and publicity generated online.
humanism pushes for the idea that human error and problems are a natural progress to learn to better yourself. It also sways against the idea of absolute good and evil, which I don't believe exists when summing up the full human enigma.I think actions a person takes can be seen as good or evil, but a person should be viewed more as a puzzle than a statue of circumstance. I think humanism supports the concept that no one is perfect . It's also more about individuality which I think is a need for modern day as people continue to sway with large groups. society is summed up often as leaders and followers. I think thats the worst concept. I don't think you should allow yourself to be represented by others, I believe everyone should have a say in the world they live in, but should be open to criticism. Why would I actively say I'm a humanist even though I also don't support humanism fully (as modern humanism should just have a question mark by it), because in my opinion the most important thing is individuality, making things, making it your own and knowing other people want to make it their own too, your ideology is formed by different people with different goals and their own creational concept . It's what I think of as "just being a person." you live to create or you live to forward a creation you support regardless if it's a physical or idealistic structure. That is how the sport of being a human has been since the cavemen days and the game changes by big creations.

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