june 21, 2020
I see artists develop their idea of when a person is most naturally open by showing them bare naked as if they are being examined by the world and have nothing left to hide. I don't see naturalism of the human essence as that. I see it as what you think about when your alone with no one to talk to, what you think about before you fall asleep and what you think you did wrong or right. I think of naturalism as accidents, people in a natural since hide who they really are and that moment when something goes out of place in their life, is when it most often comes to the forefront. They say something they don't mean.
They have facial expressions such as not being able to hide a laugh or frown. nudity alone will never fully account for this, yet some artists base their career on naturalism, when the human answer is to distance itself from it. People hide how they feel, or why they chose decisions,people talk to people they don't want to, or interact with objects they hate to interact with. I think human naturalism is seen most at the points in life represented by situational sorrow or happiness. That's where relate-ability actually happens and where we put ourselves in the shoes of someone for one second who is completely showing their view on their life circumstance. I feel like almost any art wtih a person,place, and circumstance is natural by human nature, and nudity is often used to show how humanity is stripped away, no clothes, no electronics only yourself, but I don't view it that way because a person is still not showing naturalism without intention. I am fine with nudity in art, it has its place, but I don't like the notion that having no clothes or electronics fully pushes for basic human nature.